Enabling offshore wind power in the Nordics

Cost sharing, infrastructure and plans in the North and Baltic Seas for offshore wind development

Meet EU staff, scientists and Nordic TSOs to discuss how we can make sure we develop sufficient offshore wind power to meet the renewable energy targets in the Nordic area, with a focus on offshore grid development. We end the seminar with lunch  

What will you learn?
  • Offshore wind
  • Cost sharing and energy infrastructure
  • EU politics
  • Renewable energy
Who is it for?

EU staff, Decision makers, wind power industry in Brussels  



Information and cancellation rules

Information and cancellation rules

Travel and Accommodation
The registration fee does not cover travel and accommodation expenses.

Links with the presentations will be sent by email along with the evaluation after the event.

Cancellation Policy
If you cancel more than 30 days before the event, a full refund will be given. A medical certificate is required for refunding the registration fee in case of illness. Fornybar Norge has no liability for events beyond its control, such as strikes, lockouts, natural disasters, terrorism, or other unforeseen events.
No refunds are provided for early bird purchases, but you are free to transfer your participation to a colleague.

Practical questions

Profilbilde av Ingrid Høie Hansen

Academic questions

Profilbilde Niklas Kalvø Tessem.

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